Help us save a child's eyesight!

Help us save a child's eyesight! image

With each Coats' Disease diagnosis, parents face fear and uncertainty of how to help save their child's eyesight. They are confronting the unknown, not uncommon in a rare disease diagnosis. As one Coats’ parent advised, “We have now joined a club that we did not ask to join.” The Jack McGovern Coats' Disease Foundation is committed to changing this narrative by finding improved treatments and, ultimately, a cure for Coats' Disease. But we can't do it alone.

We are actively funding research into this rare disease, making strides into understanding Coats' Disease, how to treat it, and getting closer to a cure. We need your help to make our efforts go even further!

You can help us find a cure. Your support is crucial to our efforts to helping each parent's child live a life without pain, fear, and uncertainty about the future of their eyesight and eye health.