Lisa Richardson

Lisa Richardson's Fundraiser

We can fund important research and, ultimately, find a cure for Coats' Disease! image

We can fund important research and, ultimately, find a cure for Coats' Disease!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

Hey friends! We started down the road of Coats’ Disease, like many, very unexpectedly and with very few resources to learn about what we were facing. The Jack McGovern Coats’ Disease Foundation was our saving grace! We found a community of people walking the same uncertain path and fighting fiercely to make a difference! It was such a comfort especially in those first few weeks where we knew so little. Having a rare disease diagnosis is frightening, there are so few experts, little info, and you find yourself having to educate everyone you share your story with. That’s why we’ve partnered with this foundation! They do so much for research and awareness! The foundation and its members pour their hearts and souls into funding research and raising awareness!

Kip’s eyes are currently stable and expected to remain stable because we caught it early and had early intervention! Raising awareness and funding scientific research is KEY! Join us in celebrating Kip’s fantastic retinal appointment by supporting the foundation who does so much for the Coats’ community!

Kip appreciates your support and all of the kids you are helping will appreciate you as well!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the Cure Coats' 5K!