Marcello Montesinos

Marcello Montesinos's Fundraiser

Walk for Cello! Save a Child's EyeSight! image

Walk for Cello! Save a Child's EyeSight!

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,550 towards $3,000

Join me in the fight to find a cure for Coats' Disease!

Just a small donation will go a long way to help us meet our goal for the 2023 Cure Coats' Virtual 5K!

Will be held from June 24 – July 1, 2023

We participate in the Cure Coats 5k fundraiser because our almost 3-year-old son Marcello, "Cello," is a Coats Warrior. Cello was diagnosed with Coats disease in February of 2022. And like most parents, we knew nothing prior about this rare disease. It's incredibly overwhelming and scary to find out your little boy has an eye disease with no cure.
Coats’ Disease is a rare condition found in children and adults where there is abnormal development in the blood vessels behind the eye's retina. The blood-rich retinal capillaries break open, leaking the serum portion of the blood into the back of the eye. The leakage causes the retina to swell, leading to partial or complete retina detachment. Coats’ Disease progresses gradually and affects central vision. It is almost always unilateral (affecting only one eye). If caught early, some level of the invention can typically be restored. If not treated until its later stages, complete vision loss can occur. Enucleation (removal of the affected eye) may be necessary in the final step.

When Cello was diagnosed with Coats disease, he could only see about 25% in his left eye. In the past year, he has had four laser surgeries. We were so lucky to catch it in time. We got excellent news from his last procedure this month; his vision is now 98%. Cello must continue wearing an eye patch to strengthen his vision and prevent his eye from drifting. But overall, we are incredibly thankful for all the care we received from Dr. Kevin Merrill and Dr. John Lewis at Santa Clara Kaiser and the support and resources the Jack McGovern Coat's Disease Foundation has provided us. Through this foundation, we have connected with other Coats families.

This fundraiser is a way for our family to give back and contribute to the effort that has been made to increase awareness about Coats disease. We strongly believe that collectively we can make a difference so that no child's vision is impacted. Your donation will go a long way. Please help us find a cure and save a child's eyesight!

For those participating virtually, the Virtual 5K will be held from June 24 – July 1, 2023. You choose your activity: run, walk, bike, golf – whatever you can do to reach the 5K distance!

There are plenty of ways to do this 5K! Here are a few ideas for non-runners to reach the 5K distance:

  • Walk a round of golf
  • Jump rope for 33 minutes
  • Dance for 46 minutes
  • Yoga for 124 minutes
  • Pilates for 62 minutes
  • Tennis for 31 minutes
  • Play basketball for 62 minutes

Thank you for your support! Gracias por su apoyo!

Marcello "Cello", Paty, and Carlos

La Familia Montesinos Millan